Award The Macedonian Problemist 2022 : Aidés Inverses

Le 22/02/2025

Award The Macedonian Problemist 2022


Tmp 2022

  • 1…F×é5 2.C×ç1 Td6 3.Rç7 Tf1 4.Tç8 Tf2 5.Td3+ T×d3‡
  • 1…T×d4 2.C×g1 Fd6 3.Rd7 Cd3 4.Fç8 Cf2 5.Ff4+ F×f4‡
  • Echange de fonction des couples :
  • Te8/Fb7 (blocage passif/blocage actif en c8)
  • Td4/Fe5 (capturé/sacrifice)
  • Td7/Fc7 (canon/obus) Batteries réciproques. Indien noir.
  • Tg1/Cc1 (capturé par le Ce2 /blocage actif en f2) Thème Chumakov
  • Bristol bicolore des couples Td4/Td7 et Fe5/Fc7
  • Echecs croisés
  • Echo diagonal-orthogonal


Commentaire du juge Manfred Rittirsch   : «  Without a doubt this is a very good hs#. However, big parts of the scheme, including everything around the white mating net, have already been used before by the author (see G61 1st Prize Schakhmatnaya kompozitisya 162/2022 and 12888 feenschach 250/12.12.2022, available on and diagrammed above as G and H) and elaborated further in at least 9 problems during 2023 (see e.g. 5466 Tehtäväniekka/iii 2023; 4543 Pat a Mat 123/iii 2023; 4929 Best Problems 106/iv 2023 asf.). This makes it very hard to evaluate the special merits of each single instance. I guess that several captures producing a Chumakov and a Zilahi-like wrangle + echoed S moves yield one of the best settings in this context, but I cannot rank it higher with the other variations in mind, especially the early one already awarded a Prize.  »

