Time Schedule
- Announcement: March 1, 2025
- Closing date: September 1, 2025
- Submission of entries to the judges: December 1, 2025
- Reports by the directors and results: December 1, 2026
- Submission of selected entries to the editor: February 1, 2027
- Indexing, typesetting, printing: August 1, 2028
Directors and judges
- A) Twomovers
- Director: Gérard Doukhan (FRA), gerard.doukhan@gmail.com
- Judges: Vasil Dyachuk (SVK), Kabe Moen (USA), Anatoly Slesarenko (RUS)
- B) Threemovers
- Director: Sergey Bilyk (RUS), kuk.spb@mail.ru
- Judges: Mikhailo Marandyuk (UKR), C.G.S. Narayanan (IND), Srećko Radović (SRB)
- C) Moremovers
- Director: Grigory Popov (RUS), popovgl@yandex.ru
- Judges: Jorma Paavilainen (FIN), Valery Shavyrin (RUS), Igor Yarmonov (UKR)
- D) Endgame Studies
- Director: Jan Sprenger (GER), jan.sprenger@gmx.net
- Judges: Amatzia Avni (ISR), Oleg Pervakov (RUS), Vladislav Tarasyuk (UKR)
- E) Helpmates
- Director: Harry Fougiaxis (GRE), loyaldragon@gmail.com
- Helpmates in 2 moves (Group E1)
- Judges: Michal Dragoun (CZE), Vladislav Nefyodov (RUS), Aleksandr Semenenko (UKR)
- Helpmates in 2.5 and 3 moves (Group E2)
- Judges: Valery Gurov (RUS), Mikola Kolesnik (UKR), Abdelaziz Onkoud (FRA)
- Helpmates longer than 3 moves (Group E3)
- Judges: Christopher Jones (GBR), Valery Semenenko (UKR), Marko Ylijoki (FIN)
- F) Selfmates
- Director: Zoran Gavrilovski (MKD), zoran.gavrilovski@gmail.com
- Judges: Aleksandr Azhusin (RUS), Frank Richter (GER), Ivan Soroka (UKR)
- G) Fairies
- Director: Manfred Rittirsch (GER), mrittirsch@gmail.com
- Fairies without fairy conditions, other than help-self-play problems (Group G1)
- Judges: Emil Klemanič (SVK), Jean-Marc Loustau (FRA), Gerard Smits (NED)
- Fairies with fairy conditions, other than help-self-play problems (Group G2)
- Judges: Georgy Evseev (RUS), Eric Huber (ROU), Narayan Shankar Ram (IND)
- Help-self play problems (with or without fairy conditions/pieces) (Group G3)
- Judges: Vlaicu Crișan (ROU), Borislav Gadjanski (SRB), Juraj Lörinc (SVK)
- H) Retros
- Director: Silvio Baier (GER), silvio.baier@gmx.de
- Judges: Andry Frolkin (UKR) [reserve: Kostas Prentos (GRE)], Thierry le Gleuher (CAN), Reto Aschwanden (SUI) [for proofgames], Andrew Buchanan (SGP) [for retros other than proofgames]